Interested in Working
With a Top-Ranked Advisor?
Barron’s has ranked our firm as a top five RIA for the last nine years. As a nationally recognized firm with a local presence across the country, we offer wealth management from advisors focused on helping you navigate your financial future.
Barron’s Top RIA Firms: Barron’s awarded 2024-2023 #4, 2022-2020 #5, 2019 #4, and 2018 #3 rankings to Mariner Wealth Advisors (MWA) based on data compiled for MWA registered investment adviser subsidiaries and the 2017 #2 and 2016 #1 rankings to Mariner Holdings (MH) based upon data compiled for MH registered investment adviser subsidiaries. Rankings for 2016-2024 were published in September of each award year and were based on June 30th data, including annual figures for the previous three years. No fee was paid for participation in the rankings; however, MWA has paid a fee to use the ranking. The rankings are based on firm surveys, and filings with the regulatory databases were used to cross-check the data provided. The rankings are based on assets managed by the firms, technology spending, staff diversity, succession planning, and other metrics. The formula Barron’s uses to rank firms is proprietary. The number of firms included in the rankings was: 20 (2016), 30 (2017), 40 (2018), 50 (2019), and 100 (2020-2024). The ranking does not indicate future performance, and there is no guarantee of future success. For additional information, visit www.barrons.com.
Services for Individuals
We’ll design a wealth management strategy that integrates investments, taxes, estate planning, trusts and insurance solutions and reflects how you think about money and life.
Services for Businesses
We offer retirement plan services, tax strategies, institutional cash management and specialized business services as part of an integrated business financial strategy.
A Fresh Approach to
Your Financial Goals
Discover Time-Tested Wealth Planning Strategies

Buy-Sell Agreements: Understanding the Basics
Stay Active and Healthy in Retirement
Your Life
We can help you take the complex and make it simple. Our podcast hosts share need-to-know insights about finances and wealth.
Your needs evolve. So do we.
From executives to professional athletes and medical professionals to business owners, we understand that everyone has unique wealth situations. At Mariner, we have advisors who specialize in these areas and more, and through the support of our in-house teams, our advisors are equipped to solve complex wealth challenges.
Professional Athletes
Dental Professionals
Business Owners
Medical Professionals
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Check out our webinars where we discuss wealth planning topics including estate planning strategies, tax planning and investing, along with our take on the markets and economy, all to keep you up to date as you make financial decisions.